Sunday 5 April 2020

Karaweik Palace the best Sight for an Art Lover

Are you an art lover? What are some of the great work artworks do you admire? Well, You might think that you have seen it all but if you make your trip to the great city of Myanmar known as Yangon you will be surprised at what you will see. This city is well endowed with many great artworks. Karaweik Palace is one such great attraction place in Yangon which showcases some of the traditional artworks that can mesmerize your mind. Some of these arts are as highlighted below.
Pan Yun
It’s an art that blends other artworks such as painting and carving woods. Once you are at Karaweik palace you will be able to see some f the pan Yun material both outside and inside of this hall. If you are careful you will be able to see this artwork in many of the paintings here.
Pan Pwet
It simply means the art of creating poles. You will be able to see this artwork on the poles which are outside and inside of Karaweik Palace.
Pan Peh
It’s also known as blacksmithing. It’s an art that was used in designing constructing materials such as knives that were placed at this restaurant thus symbolizing its strength.
Pan Tin
Also known as brass, bronze and copper casting. As you walk around the palace you will be able to see this art in many of the copper and bronze materials that are used here.
Pan Htein
Also known as silver and goldsmithing. It is an art that was used traditionally in creating jewelry that you will see in many costumes and other decorations that you will see. For instance, when the dancers are performing on stage in the evening they do wear costumes that have some of these decorations.
Karaweik palace is only a great place that showcases great artworks but also a great attraction place in Yangon due to its design and great food. Do not make a mistake of leaving Yangon without visiting this great restaurant in Yangon. If you have a camera you are free to take photos to act a rememberance that you once visited there. Many people have decided to visit Karaweik palace just from the beautiful photos that they show from their friends who have been there. Since then they developed an urge to see for themselves as to which unique thing is making Karaweik palace a great attraction palace in Yangon. However, you should not wait for your friends to tell you how amazing this place is just the first one to visit it today.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Mesmerize Yourself by Visiting Myanmar a Legendry State

Myanmar state enjoys peace and tranquility thus making it an attractive place especially for people for like to travel and discover beautiful sites around the world. The enchantment of this state has been legendry for many years not only for its natural and cultural heritage but also due to its reserved beaches, long rivers, large lakes, picturesque landscapes, green mountain ranges, and fresh air.


Some the tourist attraction sites which Myanmar states boast about are:

Sule pagoda

In case you wish to visit the best site where you can get to understand the history of Burmese people, then it must be Sule pagoda which is about 2500 years old. This pagoda is only a Buddhist site but also holds a special meaning as it acts as a meeting point for the pro-democracy and anti-government protectors. Some of the fun things you can do at this pagoda are pouring hold water over the selected part of Buddha's image to help wash away the day. You are also allowed to set free the birds at this pagoda as it’s believed that it brings good luck.

Shwedagon pagoda

Do you know that your visit to Yangon will be incomplete if you do not spare your time to explore the magnificent Shwedagon pagoda? Regardless of the side of the city that you are, you will be delighted to see a glittering light that this pagoda boasts about on the skyline. Imagine yourself what you will see when you get inside the pagoda. One the things you which will mesmerize you for many hours are the swirling, colorful lights which are around the images of Buddha. You will also see the Naungdawgyi paya which is near the entrance to the Northern side. To the Northwestern corner of this pagoda is a small museum that is usually open as from to, therefore if you have time you can explore some of the artifacts there.

After touring the above sites it’s good to look for the best Yangon restaurant which offers the best meals so that you can take your meals as you relax. Karaweik palace which serves a delicious international buffet that is accompanied by a cultural show is definitely a place that anyone around the world will admire to be. Although every region has its own traditional foods, you must be assured that all the traditional foods that are served here are flavorful and you will eat your satisfaction. There are also international foods that are served at this Yangon restaurant and some of them include meat dishes, baked fish, sushi and pasta.

Friday 6 March 2020

Karaweik Palace the Best Site for a Getaway

If you feel tired and you wish to have a getaway outside your country, then the only place you should have in your mind is Yangon, Myanmar. Yangon is the most beautiful city not only in Myanmar but also in the world that is admired by many people. One of the iconic sites within this city is Karaweik Palace. This restaurant is an attraction place in Yangon which can be the best place where you can have your getaway.

Karaweik Palace is located on the Eastern side of the Lake. This restaurant was built in such a way that it resembles the traditional Burmese royal barge style. From the backside, it is designed such that it looks like the tail of a bird with decorations on it’s top reflecting a Nat spirit. This building serves so many purposes such as conference hall, theatres, buffet restaurant, and reception hall. As a visitor, you can get a chance to enjoy traditional Burmese based cultural performances as you take your buffet dinner. The combination of these events makes Karaweik palace a great attraction place in Yangon.

Surrounding this restaurant is a Kandawgyi park is also a great attraction place in Yangon for relaxation and recreation purposes. The park covers about 260 acres with 100 acres being a garden and the other 150 acres being the lake. The calmness and freshness atmosphere of this park makes it the best place where you can spend your getaway for the period that you are around Yangon.

The Kandawgyi park comprises of so many things such as kids' playground, Mini Zoo, recreational centers and tropical garden which has picturesque sight and gorgeous flora. If you are a person who likes to take pictures then this will be one of the best places where you can take your photos.

You can also take a boat ride around Kandawgyi Lake to have a clear view of not only Karaweik palace but also the famous Shwedagon pagoda which is just a few miles away.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Enjoy the scenery of Yangon during your Myanmar vacation

Yangon city, Myanmar is one of the major tourist attractions places due to its rich in culture, parks and other beautiful religious structures such as pagoda. If you have never been to Yangon, you may wonder what moves many people to travel to this city for a holiday vacation. Some of the amazing sites that are interesting and you may wish to visit them are:
Mhapasana cave
It’s a must a visit place in Yangon which was built to commemorate the 2500th anniversary of the enlightenment of Buddha. It’s one of the famous caves which lies in the same complex of that of Kaba Aye Pagoda. It resembles the SattaPanni cave in India that is believed to the first place where the confinement of the first Buddhist Synod was done. This is about 110 meters in width and 139 meters in length. As a walk around the cave, you will be mesmerized by the grand 6 entrances which symbolize the 6th great Synod.
Snake temple
It’s famously known as the snake pagoda which is set in the middle of the lake. There is a wooden walkway that leads you to where the pagoda is. There are some Buddha statues around this pagoda. However, one of the most treasured things here is the snakes that are found twined around the window grills. These snakes are considered to be highly holy and are taken care of by the nuns who live around this pagoda. Before you enter inside this pagoda you must remove your shoes as a sign of respect.

Visiting the reclining Buddha at ChaukhtatgyiPaya
This is a remarkable temple to the Northeast of Shwedagon pagoda which houses Myanmar’s most adored reclining Buddha statues. One of the things that you will have to see here is the astonishing grandeur of a 213-foot long statue which is topped with diamonds, crown adorned and precious stones. This status has Gold inscriptions at the foot of Buddha which describe the many lives of Buddha. You can have some fun in trying your luck especially at deciphering the symbols.

After visiting the above places definitely, you will be feeling hungry and tired. In case you may get worried about where to eat in Yangon. This is because there are so many restaurants in Yangon city and if you are new you get confused if you did not do an early search. However, the place where to eat in Yangon to your satisfaction is that the iconic Karaweik palace. Any tourist who has taken his/her meals at this Yangon restaurant will no doubt fail to recommend it to you. The Good thing is that since you would have been tired after a long day tour you will eat your buffet dinner as you watch some performances. This will help relax your mind.