Sunday 5 April 2020

Karaweik Palace the best Sight for an Art Lover

Are you an art lover? What are some of the great work artworks do you admire? Well, You might think that you have seen it all but if you make your trip to the great city of Myanmar known as Yangon you will be surprised at what you will see. This city is well endowed with many great artworks. Karaweik Palace is one such great attraction place in Yangon which showcases some of the traditional artworks that can mesmerize your mind. Some of these arts are as highlighted below.
Pan Yun
It’s an art that blends other artworks such as painting and carving woods. Once you are at Karaweik palace you will be able to see some f the pan Yun material both outside and inside of this hall. If you are careful you will be able to see this artwork in many of the paintings here.
Pan Pwet
It simply means the art of creating poles. You will be able to see this artwork on the poles which are outside and inside of Karaweik Palace.
Pan Peh
It’s also known as blacksmithing. It’s an art that was used in designing constructing materials such as knives that were placed at this restaurant thus symbolizing its strength.
Pan Tin
Also known as brass, bronze and copper casting. As you walk around the palace you will be able to see this art in many of the copper and bronze materials that are used here.
Pan Htein
Also known as silver and goldsmithing. It is an art that was used traditionally in creating jewelry that you will see in many costumes and other decorations that you will see. For instance, when the dancers are performing on stage in the evening they do wear costumes that have some of these decorations.
Karaweik palace is only a great place that showcases great artworks but also a great attraction place in Yangon due to its design and great food. Do not make a mistake of leaving Yangon without visiting this great restaurant in Yangon. If you have a camera you are free to take photos to act a rememberance that you once visited there. Many people have decided to visit Karaweik palace just from the beautiful photos that they show from their friends who have been there. Since then they developed an urge to see for themselves as to which unique thing is making Karaweik palace a great attraction palace in Yangon. However, you should not wait for your friends to tell you how amazing this place is just the first one to visit it today.